
In Hertfordshire we are using the Herts Connected communication and database system.
Set up in 2024 in the county, the system offers:-

  • Rapid email and phone communication used by the Police and NW coordinators
  • Facility to allow two-way communication between author and recipient
  • Availability to send SMS messages
  • A comprehensive database of Schemes organised by districts, ward, area and individual streets
  • Ability to have more than one member in a household registered to receive messages
  • Allows individuals to change your own details online when necessary.


Join Your Local Scheme in Hertfordshire


To register please visit

Prevention first. logo


ECHO Advice

Worried about lack of Police visibility in your location? Worried about ASB matters? Then use Echo ( see below) Have your say on what matters to you. You do not have to give your personal details but please be polite. Parking issues are the responsibility of District Council.

You can give your feedback on actions in your community via Echo via the following links.

Please note that echo should not be used to report crime; this should continue to be reported via the usual methods. You can report information online at, speak to an operator in our Force Communications Room via our online web chat at or call the non-emergency number 101. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report information online at

Staying safer together

Our Aims

  • To support new or existing Neighbourhood watch schemes
  • To encourage communities to look out for each other
  • To provide Crime Prevention advice
  • To work closely with local partners, Safer Neighbourhood Teams and councils to strengthen community safety awareness
  • To support inclusion and diversity in our communities
Couple talking